Rising on Instagram: Tactics for Up-and-Coming Entrepreneurs

Establish Single Tone of the Brand

Getting a strong brand identity on Instagram all starts with a clear message that says everything. Polish and make your brand’s core values and visual style very crystal clear. Pick a precise color palette or design approach that works in complement with the character of your business, then implement those consistencies onto every single post you’re going to make.

This uniformity will begin to drive a cohesive profile look that enhances memorability and on-sight recognition for your followers.

Action Steps:

  1. Post consistently.
  2. In Canva or Adobe Spark, create custom graphics that are very aligned with your brand look and feel.
  3. Refresh your bio regularly with current promotions or links of note.

Strong Instagram Content Strategy

Good Instagram content is more than just a series of product photos. It needs to tell a story, deliver real value to your leads. And here’s how you can develop your content strategy:

Get to Know Your Audience
Get to know the pain points and interests of your audience because of Instagram Insights. On demographic data and engagement trends, track specific information to try and tailor your content more specifically.

Content that Provides Value
Focus on those content initiatives that more easily demonstrate value for the products or services your business is offering. Share customer testimonials and educationally-oriented posts underlining common takedown points or answering frequently asked questions.

Use the many formats Instagram has to offer.
Mix and match among various formats, such as carousels, videos, IGTV—as you see—to keep the content at diversity. Carousels would come in handy when dealing with before-and-after stories or multiples angles of a product. Videos and IGTV will allow for telling longer stories or instructional content.

Create a Content Calendar for Planning
Plan out your posting schedule with a content calendar so you’ll never stray from your theme or miss a beat. It will ensure that the content comes at consistent intervals to your audience.

  1. Leverage audience data to find relevant areas for targeted content.
  2. Persist in sharing customer stories and educational materials.
  3. Mix content formats to keep up engagement.
  4. A calendar aids in planning and posting of content strategically.

Logically, what that means is that with this system, your Instagram content is not just engaging; all of the content will be strategically aligned to the brand’s objectives, helping to create a stronger link with the audience.

Master Engagement and Community Building

Agree with followers in the comment section and send replies to messages on Instagram.

Engage with polls, questions, or quizzes in Instagram Stories. You will be creating a network and exposure as well by following and engaging related accounts in your industry or demographics of potentials customers.
Action Steps:

  1. Commit and schedule time each day into your calendar to engage on follower and related account content.
  2. Like others’ posts who don’t follow you back. This will aid in visibility through ‘Recent’ search on Instagram tags.
  3. Do regular give-aways/contests to encourage more interaction with content.

Paid Features on Instagram to Enhance Visibility
While you need to grow organically, Instagram Ads were created to increase your reach by tenfold. Targeted ads let you reach potential customers with specific demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Establish attention-grabbing ad creatives and ensure that strong calls-to-action are in place to maximize conversion rates.

Action Steps
Run a small budget first to test the various ad types and audiences.
Be checking how your ads do and take action by the insight.
Consider creating retargeting ads to try and catch those people who would have been interested but never converted.

Engagement in Controversial Subjects

If you can make controversial subjects within your niche come alive on Instagram, then you’ll get heaps more views and engagement.

Identify relevant topics of interest for your niche audience. Do in-depth homework so that you’re well-read in your views. That lays the basis for meaningful discussion with your audience while it brands you as a thought leader.

Drive the conversation with questions in your post, tap into expert insight, and later ensure civilized responses that would keep the conversation two-way in nature. When engaging on tough subjects, your brand is acting dimensional, responsible, and invested beyond just the selling—much deeper than driving sales.

Apply Strategic Buying of Instagram Engagements

Buying likes, views, and followers on Instagram can be controversial; however, it will surely fuel your account strategically with visibility and credibility—both of which may be important in the attainment of organic growth.

Websites Guaranteed for Buying Instagram Interactions:
InsFollowPro: Provides real, active followers to increase your organic reach.
Statigr.am: Bundles on likes, views, and followers help improve credibility and visibility on Instagram.

Action Steps

  1. These should supplement and not replace organically-based growth strategies.
  2. Notice how the overall sentiment changes with the bought engagement and adjust the strategy accordingly.

With these effective, result-oriented strategies on Instagram, you will get more visibility to your account and a community that would battle to death for your brand. From promotion to meaningful connections, this is what the Instagram platform has grown into.

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